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I think a hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles. - Christopher Reeve |
Philip (17-years-old) was just diagnosed with Neuroplastic Adenocarcinoma (a type of cancer, recently determined to have originated from his colon and affected his liver and lymph nodes) which is very rare for a person of his young age. There were no early warning signs, but he suddenly began having symptoms last week that could have easily been mistaken for the flu or some type of stomach virus. As one could only imagine, it came as quite a shock to Philip and his family. The plan is to treat the cancer aggressively and immediately. He will begin chemotherapy treatment on Tuesday, September 20th.
I am asking everyone I know to pray for Philip and his family. Pray for recovery, wisdom, health, and strength. To check on Philip's progress or to make much needed donations for the upcoming medical treatments, please check Philip's CaringBridge website. by clicking on the link.
The family is also holding a yard sale tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. in Prosper, Texas to raise funds. Please email me for additional info.
Thank you everyone for reading this and for sending your thoughts and prayers to Philip and his family.
Much love,